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Membrane Biocollagen

Biocollagen membrane


  • 1 unit

Medical device III (implantable) Notified body N°477

Class III medical device Marking CE0373 Certifying body: Italian Higher Institute of Health


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Biocollagen is a natural collagen membrane derived from equine Achilles tendon. This membrane is freeze-dried, de-antigenised, anti-allergic and 100% resorbable.

The Biobollagen membrane is used to protect small graft sites and stabilise granular grafts. The membrane acts for 4 to 6 weeks before resorbing.

Available in 2 sizes: 15x20x0.2mm or 25x25x0.2mm

Guided tissue and bone regeneration is frequently performed as part of augmentation of lost tissue around teeth and dental implants. The technique involves the placement of a protective membrane between the soft tissue and the residual bone to prevent epithelial cells from spreading rapidly into the bone defect.

Product features:

- Dimensions: 15x20x0.2mm or 25x25x0.2mm

- Sterile

- Components: Equine collagen

Collagen is a protein present in the connective tissues of all mammals, thus offering a strong homology.

- Packaging: sterilised product placed in a glass bottle.

- Single use

Indications :

Biocollagen membrane is used as an epithelial invasion barrier in bone regeneration procedures using grafts.

The membrane acts as a protection for a period of 4 to 6 weeks. After this period, the membrane starts to resorb due to endogenous collagenosis.

Instructions for use :

Moisten the Biocollagen membrane for 1-2 minutes in a sterile physiological solution before applying it to the entire graft surface.

Unprotected areas would be easily invaded by epithelial and connective cells, leading to partial or total failure of bone regeneration.