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Elévateur BERNARD droit


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Tooth luxation, the second stage of an extraction, is performed using lifts. Once the ligament has been removed, the lift will allow the tooth to be mobilised and luxated from its socket.


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To do this, this instrument will insert itself into the space previously left by the syndesmostoma (between the root cementum and the alveolar bone), and act as a lever. Thus, the root lift will allow to break all the desmodontal fibers in order to completely dislodge the tooth. The lift will use the alveolar bone for support and not the neighbouring teeth to avoid damaging them. When the tooth is mobilised, an audible sign called "sucking sound" or "singing tooth", which the air makes as it passes between the tooth and the alveolus, means that the action of the lift is complete. All that remains is to grasp the tooth and extract it completely from the mouth.
Standard Bernard lifters have the following features:
- Non-disassembling, the standard Bernard lifts are characterised by a thick, rounded and fairly heavy handle that offers a solid grip for safe and efficient interventions
The handle is followed by a long shaft and a flat, pointed arrow tip allowing optimal access into the periodontal space to smoothly separate the periodontal fibres. The tip has a convex outer surface that contacts the alveolar bone, and a concave inner surface that contacts the tooth
Two types of tips:
Straight elevator: recommended for maxillary extractions
Inclined elevator (left or right): recommended for mandibular extractions